(...) The mystery of the unconscious is present once more, with the same distorted effects that made her previous creation, 'In Between', so enchanting. (...) Even if one's attention may flag at times, for the piece may appear difficult at this time of summer festivals, nevertheless one is enthralled by this extremely well composed piece in which the dancers and musicians work hand in hand with the scenographer/architect, Paolo Atzori, and the choreographer. The successful conclusion of a true research process."
Here, technology makes itself inconspicuous. In the flow of projected images and lights speckling the stage with the fabric of unreality, the shadows and their reflections hold dialogues and transcend the living bodies. Through suggestive sliding movements, the imperceptible nature of things assumes insolent proportions. Continually off balance, the performance becomes a receptacle of hallucinogenic magic that alters the spectator's vision by plunging it into a solution of unstable sensations. (...)
At the exact intersection of dance, music and video, Michèle Noiret enhances our view of the world while broadening the knowledge of the body which is dance."
Dance and music integrate perfectly with Paolo Atzori's scenography, the better to compose tableaux of captivating originality (...) The highly complex choreography often unfolds at a slow pace, without the slightest conventional effect, with the dancers clambering over the theatre seats or sitting down among the audience. No provocation is intended here, but one and a half hour of divine harmony between the many art forms mastered by Michèle Noiret."
In 'Twelve Seasons' the links between cause and effect as well as the impression of unity are transformed by the imagination. Although the subject matter of the performance is arid at times, it is nevertheless an imposing and major work."
An immediate and rare intimacy among the dancers, toying with glances, laughter, murmurs feeling like confidences. The six bodies take possession of this singular space with a mix of ease and audacity. They also share it with the three musicians. A magic moment of exceptional integration bursts forth, extremely beautiful and moving, in which the musicians surrender their balance, and hence their very breath, to the dancers. And the dancers – while neither the movements nor their tooled precision are ever curbed – pour out sounds and images whose indistinct or dispersed source deceives our senses the better to excite them."
A choreography whose extraordinary complexity is hardly perceptible. (...) Movements generating sounds, eloquent wind instruments, mirrors, invisible cameras, intrusions backstage, play of shadows, integration of the audience into the staging area, projection of faces in close-up or of fragments of the choreography distorted by the shifting of various scenery elements: it all seems perfectly natural and yet the extraordinary complexity of the work as a whole, the absolute command exhibited by each performer, the perfect osmosis between the musicians and the dancers, between live music and acoustic inventiveness only become obvious to the audience after the performance."
Remarkably accomplished and at the height of her art, Michèle Noiret is successful in the often difficult if not impossible venture to transform the dancer into a musical instrument and the musician into a dancer. (...) It is another hymn to the joy of living."
Cast & credits
Concept Michèle Noiret, Paolo Atzori, Todor Todoroff
Choreography Michèle Noiret
Choreographical assistant Fred Vaillant
Created and interpreted Caroline Cornelis, Joëlle Demulder, Stéphane Hisler, Mélanie Munt, Claire O’Neil, Jordi L.Vidal
Music Karlheinz Stockhausen,‘Tierkreis’
Interpreted by Tara Bouman: clarinet, Gillian Lampater: flute and piccolo, Achim Gorsch or Marco Blaauw: trumpet and piano
Original electroacoustic composition and interactions Todor Todoroff
Sound assistant Arnaud Riedinger
Scenography and images Paolo Atzori
Lighting Xavier Lauwers
Costumes Azniv Afsar
Set production Wim Vermeylen
Lighting technican Thom Louka
Video technican & technical coordination Philippe Warrand
Cameraman Hajo Schomerus
Video interactions programmation Guy Van Belle
Photography Sergine Laloux
Production and tour manager Alexandra de Laminne
Administration Cathy Zanté
Thanks to Catherine Simon.
A production of La Cie Michèle Noiret/Tandem asbl
In coproduction with Le Théâtre Les Tanneurs, le KunstenFESTIVALdesArts, La Monnaie/De Munt, Bruxelles/Brussel 2000,Charleroi/Danses - Centre Chorégraphique de la Communauté française de Belgique, Les Iles de Danses (Ile de France) and Le Festival Danse à Aix
With the partnership of La Ferme du Buisson, Scène Nationale (Marne-la-Vallée)
In collaboration with The Academy of Media Arts, Cologne (KHM)
With the support of Le Ministère de la Communauté française de Belgique-Service de la Danse and from La Loterie Nationale.